Drug Crimes

Drug Crimes

Harris County Drug Crime Attorney

Texas Defense for Possession, Distribution, & Trafficking Charges

State & Federal Representation

Whether you are being charged in state or federal court, we can defend you against charges of drug related crimes. Drug crimes include charges of:

  • Possession
  • Manufacture
  • Conspiracy
  • Distribution
  • Sale

Whether the drug involved is steroids, methamphetamine, cocaine, crack, ecstasy, marihuana (weed) or some other substance, it is important to have an attorney on your side who knows how to approach these serious situations.

Manufacturing & Distributing

If an individual is caught manufacturing or distributing illegal drugs in Texas, the state can impose severe penalties. Under Texas’s Controlled Substances Act, an individual commits an offense if they knowingly manufacture, deliver, or possess with intent to deliver a controlled substance.

Our Harris County drug crimes attorney Adam Corral is here to help. Contact  us today, Se habla Español.

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