Wrongful Death

Wrongful Death

Wrongful Death


If you’ve lost a family member in a tragic accident, we encourage you to contact Corral Firm for a free consultation. Our wrongful death lawyers have extensive experience fighting for the rights of accident victims and their families, and we are ready to take immediate action for you. You don’t pay unless we win.  We start every case with a FREE, no-obligation consultation. While no amount of money will ever replace the loss you have suffered, filing a wrongful death lawsuit is one way to offset the considerable economic impact of your loved one’s death.

Who Can File A Wrongful Death Lawsuit In Texas?
In the state of Texas, surviving family members are entitled to file a wrongful death claim after the untimely passing of a loved one.

This includes:
  • the deceased person’s spouse,
  • children,
  • and/or parents.

Unfortunately, siblings do not have grounds to seek damages. Any of these parties may file a claim individually or as a group, or a personal representative of the estate can file on their behalf.

If you’ve lost a family member in a tragic accident, we encourage you to contact the The Corral Law Firm for a free consultation. Our Houston wrongful death lawyers have extensive experience fighting for the rights of accident victims and their families, and we are ready to take immediate action for you. You don’t pay unless we win. We can use our insurance defense experience to your advantage and we start every case with a FREE, no-obligation consultation. While no amount of money will ever replace the loss you have suffered, filing a wrongful death lawsuit is one way to offset the considerable economic impact of your loved one’s death.

Who Can File A Wrongful Death Lawsuit In Texas?
In the state of Texas, surviving family members are entitled to file a wrongful death claim after the untimely passing of a loved one.

This includes:
  • the deceased person’s spouse,
  • children,
  • and/or parents.

Unfortunately, siblings do not have grounds to seek damages. Any of these parties may file a claim individually or as a group, or a personal representative of the estate can file on their behalf.

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